Peter Matussek

Medienästhetik der Schrift

11. Vom Text zum Hypertext

11.2.2 Xanadu (Ted Nelson 1965)

Quelle: Nelson- A File Structure for the Complex


The History of Hypertext

by Jakob Nielsen on February 1, 1995

The actual word "hypertext" was coined by Ted Nelson in 1965. Nelson was an early hypertext pioneer with his Xanadu system, which he has been developing ever since. Parts of Xanadu do work and have been a product from the Xanadu Operating Company since 1990.

The Xanadu vision has never been implemented, however, and probably never will be (at least not in the foreseeable future). The basic Xanadu idea is that of a repository for everything that anybody has ever written and thereby of a truly universal hypertext. Nelson views hypertext as a literary medium; and he believes that "everything is deeply intertwingled" and therefore has to be online together. Nelson's main book on hypertext is actually entitled Literary Machines . Robert.; Glushko [1989b], in contrast, believes that multidocument hypertext is only called for in comparatively few cases where users have explicit tasks that require the combination of information.

11.2.2 Xanadu (Ted Nelson 1965)11.2.2 Xanadu(泰德·尼尔森 Ted Nelson 1965)